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Bio-signal Simulation of Electromagnetic Wave and Its Specificity on the Isoz...









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This journal article is previously published as: Liu Huan. (2021). Bio-signal Simulation of Electromagnetic Wave and Its Specificity on the Isozyme Expression. Journal of Environment and Health Science (ISSN 2314-1628), 2021(02)., which is converted into Journal of Biological Sciences (ISSN 2958-4035). Both Journals belong to the same publisher, Liu Huan. The previous journal article is closed to the public, but the previous reference is still valid.

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2016. Copyrights Register Information: The majority of these materials are registered as book '著作权人:刘焕;作品:《研究生文凭进展(第三版)》' 2016, which can be cataloged in National Copyright Database:

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The formally published serials is the printing <Journal of Biological Sciences (ISSN 2958-4035)>, and the serials NO. is the month/year when the materials is accessible on this website, authorized by publisher;正式发表的期刊是印刷版《生物科学杂志 (ISSN 2958-4035)》,期刊期号为文章内容在本网站上网年/月,出版人许可自行正式发表。

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Latest revised on 29/05/2023

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Article 6-5. Bio-signal Simulation of Electromagnetic Wave and Its Specificity on the Isozyme Expression/电磁波的生物信号模拟及同工酶表达的专一性

Author: Liu Huan (1983-), Master of Science (First Class Honours,2009), The University of Auckland. ORCID:

In previous article [5], the specificity of electric potential to the host cells with apparent antibiotics against the specific invasive virus (or bacteria) is determined. However, this method is relatively broader, so that the accuracy of this biophysical training is not sufficient for the synthesis of antibiotics in host cells against the specific phenotype of an invasive virus (or bacteria).

Consequently, this section presents a novel methods to train the specific isozyme families catalyzing the synthesis of antibiotics in cells against the specific phenotype of an invasive virus (or bacteria):

Step 1. Host cells (such as blood cells) are cultivated during simulation of electromagnetic wave conditions;

Step 2. Different frequency of electromagnetic wave (or different wavelength) are simulated, and labeled as F1, F2, ..., Fn;

Step 3. Metabolomics test is conducted individually after cultivation in F1, F2,...Fn, respectively;

Step 4. Under each simulated frequency of electromagnetic wave, different intensities of electromagnetic wave are simulated, and labeled as I1, I2, ..., and In;

Step 5. Metabolomics test is conducted individually after cultivation in I1, I2,...In, respectively. The amount of N×N metabolomics tests are conducted in total [1].

The specific frequency of electromagnetic wave simulates the bio-signal regulating gene expression as a specific isozyme family, and the specific electromagnetic wave intensity (AND amplitude) corresponds to the bio-signal regulating gene expression as a specific enzyme species within an isozyme family, which can be determined by metabolomics tests. Consequently, the immunology against the specific phenotype of an invasive virus (or bacteria) can be trained according to the specific zymograms identified among those N×N samples, which can be achieved by the simulation of host-invasion experiment described in my previous articles of this journal. Please note: the intensity is adjusted and controlled by the amplitude instructed in the next article.

This experiment is similar to another plant article of this journal (UV-B radiation is one of electromagnetic waves)[2]. Let’s re-discuss this article on the basis of plant cell data (the blood cell data of rat is not clear to this date 18/02/2016): As discussed in this plant article, UV-B significantly (P<0.001) affected the net photosynthesis (A) (Table 1). Nevertheless, for Tienshan clover and Caucasian clover, there was no significant UV-B induced difference in the total aerial biomass yield, under well-water conditions, and there was no significant effect of UV-B on the relative chlorophyll content, whereas enhanced UV-B apparently decreased the biomass of Kopu II. Further more, the water deficit did not influence the relative chlorophyll content as comparison to the well-water condition (Table 1).

There are two reasons to explain this science discovery: firstly, the Light Use Efficiency (LUE) already exceeded the saturation point of LUE under well water condition without enhanced UV-B treatment, so that the reduction of net photosynthesis under enhanced UV-B treatment did not influence the total aerial biomass yield; Secondly, enhanced UV-B treatment effectively triggered the gene expression of enzyme species within the isozyme families involving in the chlorophyll synthesis in plant cells, which revealed that the isozyme families involving in the chlorophyll synthesis could express effectively under a broader range of UV-B intensity especially for Caucasian clover, but the relevant gene of Kopu II was not effectively expressed as enzyme species within the isozyme families involving in the chlorophyll synthesis under enhanced UV-B. Please note: within the isozyme families involving in the chlorophyll synthesis in plant cells, the enzyme species under enhanced UV-B is different from the one without enhanced UV-B. However, drought condition did not influence the synthesis of chlorophyll, which showed different metabolic pathway in response to the environmental stress. The treatment without UV-B in this experiment was not without any UV-B radiation, and was just lower intensity of UV-B treatment. Although previous articles explain that ‘these results indicated that these clovers might have adequately photo-protective mechanism, such as enhancing the synthesis of UV-B screening secondary metabolites [3][4],’ this explanation is consistent with the above explanation in this section, because the synthesis of UV-B screening secondary metabolites as photo-protective mechanism is also the phenomenon utilizing the light energy effectively, adjusting the photo-metabolic pathways in response to the change of UV-B intensity. It is deduced that UV-B is also the utilizable light energy in photosynthesis rather than only visible light, which can be proven the result that Caucasian clover showed increased biomass during enhanced UV-B of well water treatment as compared to the well water condition without UV-B enhancement, although the main utilizable energy is from the visible light --- without visible light, photosynthesis can not only rely on UV-B to happen too. As discussed in the next article, the receptors (or cells) of electromagnetic wave can NOT identify more than three different frequencies of electromagnetic wave concurrently, it is hypothesized that plant cells themselves select three dominant frequencies of light waves with the highest intensity for photosynthesis, and Caucasian clover selects UV-B frequency for photosynthesis whereas Kopu II can not, this is definitely the environmental adaptiveness evolved from its origin. Consequently, it is further deduced that Caucasian clove effectively evolves into the genes expressed as the different isozyme family under the inducing UV-B light, in comparison to the corresponding genes expression under visible light, which causes Caucasian clove to utilize the UV-B as the utilizable light energy in photosynthesis.   

Please note: for the identification of specific zymograms of host cells with specific immunology against invasive gene mutation virus, then invasive simulation of gene mutation virus is added after the process of biophysics simulation above, to identify the specificity of host-invasion interaction (in which frequency and intensity of cultivation condition, the host cells show effective immunology against the gene mutation virus).

Nevertheless, for the virus (or bacteria) with dormant characters (such as HIV), it is expected that long-term observation is required for this specificity examination after biophysics simulation stops, because this virus would become dormant in host cells after puncturing cell membrane during biophysics simulation, so that the host cells with effective immunology against the dormant virus are NOT specifically identified during biophysical simulation. In this case, the host cells with really effective immunology against the dormant virus kill the invasive virus during biophysical simulation, whereas the host cells with dormant virus would be re-infected after biophysical simulation stops. After long-termly observing if dormant virus re-starts pathogenetic metabolism in host cells, the identified host cells with really effective immunology against the dormant virus would be screened and become more specific. Finally the range of biophysics parameters in the next article should be based on all the host cell samples which have been identified as effective immunology against the dormant virus during biophysics simulation. The more specific, the more punctual to kill the invasive virus.

Please note: the intensity of electromagnetic waves is preliminarily set to be 1.6 H  (1H = 1 A/m) for blood cells in this research, three times than earth magnetism fields. If the intensity of electromagnetism is more than 5 times than earth magnetism fields, blood cell division rate of rats starts to decline apparently, ‘looking nervous.’ They are unlike microbes who can survive long-termly in sunshine intensity. However, the frequency of electromagnetic waves is preliminarily set to be around UV-B frequency, the sunshine one. Actually, blood cells still function (such as oxygen-carrying capacity) effectively under exposure to sunshine radiation, but the blood cell division only occurs when sunshine radiation is shielded. This is why hematopoietic function of blood cells mainly occurs in marrow! and blood cells division rate actively increases during evening as well!

This is the revised materials in book “Proceedings for Degree of Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Science (3rd Edition).” Published in 2016. The ‘chapter’ content mentioned in this article is in previous book. Firstly Revised on 05/01/2021; Secondly Revised on 09/02/2021; Thirdly Revised on 26/09/2021; Fourthly Revised on 27/12/2021. This journal article is previously published as: Liu Huan. (2021). Article 10-5. Bio-signal Simulation of Electromagnetic Wave and Its Specificity on the Isozyme Expression. Journal of Environment and Health Science (ISSN 2314-1628), 2021(02)., which is converted into Journal of Biological Sciences (ISSN 2958-4035). Both Journals belong to the same publisher, Liu Huan. The previous journal article is closed to the public, but the previous reference is still valid. Latest revised on 28/02/2023. Revised on 17/04/2023. Revised on 27/04/2023;29/05/2023.

[1]. Liu Huan. Metabolomics (1) --- The Systematic Chemistry Fingerprints Between
Genotype and Phenotype and its Application on the Conservation Genetics. Journal of  Environment and Health Science. Feb. 2021.https://doi.org10.58473/JBS0005
[2]. Liu Huan. Inter-specific and intra-specific comparison in the responses to UV-B radiation and to water deficit in Trifolium (Leguminosae). Journal of Environment and Health Science. Feb. 2021.https://doi.org10.58473/JBS0004
[3].Hofmann, R.W., Campbell, B. D., Bloor, S. J., Swinny, E. E., Markham, K. R., Ryan, K. G., & Fountain, D. W. (2003). Responses to UV-B radiation in Trifolium repens L.– physiological links to plant productivity and water availability. Plant Cell and Environment (2003) 26, 603-612.
[4].Hofmann, R. W., Campbell, B. D., & Fountain, D. W. (2003). Sensitivity of white clover to UV-B radiation depends on water availability, plant productivity and duration of stress. Global Changes Biology (2003) 9, 473-477.
[5].Liu Huan. (2021). Bio-magnetic field of Cell and Its Application on Separation of Blood Cell Communities along Environmental Gradient. Journal of Environment and Health Science (ISSN 2314-1628), 2021(02).https://doi.org10.58473/JBS0011


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