This journal article is previously published as: Liu Huan. (2021). Molecular Attributes of 'Revolution' Motion in Materials. Journal of Environment and Health Science (ISSN 2314-1628),, which is converted into Journal of Quantum Physics and Materials Chemistry (ISSN2958-4027) . Both Journals belong to the same publisher, Liu Huan. The previous journal article is closed to the public, but the previous reference is still valid.
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Latest revised on 26/02/2024.
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Article 7. Molecular Attributes of ‘Revolution’ Motion in Materials/分子‘公转’运动与材料的分子特性
Atom is the most primitive material form of elementary particles; in our three-dimensional space, the motion model of elementary particles in atom can be simplified as the rotation of electrons around the nucleus, and the nuclei and electrons are the Yin and Yang poles of matter's magnetic properties respectively; at the same time, the magnetic line on the fourth dimension axis is perpendicular to the three-dimensional space. These magnetic elementary particles cut along the magnetic line on the fourth dimensional axis, thus generating electric charges. The existence of the electromagnetic induction theorem is the transmission pathway of driving force which leads electrons to rotate around the nucleus. The relative motion between positive and negative charged particles in the three-dimensional space produces a current effect. The current direction is perpendicular to the magnetic line on the fourth dimension axis, which is consequently similar to the principle of the motor coil rotation, and pushes the spin motion of the basic particle in the atoms; for molecules with poly-atomic aggregation form, the dark matter on the fourth dimensional axis as an energy binder polymerizes mono-atomic matter forming both Yin and Yang poles of the whole aggregated molecule [2], which makes the cutting motion on magnetic lines of the fourth axis, leading to ‘the revolution movement’. Similarly, the matter in molecular structure makes "revolution" around the geometric center of the magnetic mass line in a molecule; by analogy, the transmission of driving force of both the earth's rotation and the revolution of other galaxies are generated by the electromagnetic induction theorem when the material properties of Yin and Yang poles in three-dimensional space are cutting against the fourth dimensional magnetic line. Further more, the higher the overall polarity in a molecule, the faster the angular velocity of molecules, and consequently the chemistry reaction is more active; moreover, the higher the ratio of total mass to total charge (M / E) in molecules, the slower the angular velocity of molecules, so the chemistry reaction is less active. This also provides the basis for the optimization of synthetic structure of polymers by 3D simulation of molecule movement.
Further discussion: compared with the electron, the radius between the proton and the rotation center in the nucleus is shorter, and the proton rotation speed is higher, so the energy flow intensity of electromagnetic wave is higher, and the transmission speed of electromagnetic wave is faster. The refraction or diffraction of light is caused by the interference influences between the magnetic field on the obstacle surface and the polarity of light wave, which is different from mechanical wave. Therefore, different characteristics of materials with different magnetic field on the surface generates different light refraction or diffraction angles. This is also applicable on the other frequencies of electromagnetic wave. These findings provide basic characters for the synthesis of new materials. As discussed in Figure 1, the vertical red line represents the boundary between medium A (left) and medium B (right); magnetic field B in the medium A is vertical to the magnetic intensity curve (on the plane by axis y and z) of electromagnetic wave; electric field E in the medium A is vertical to the electric intensity curve (on the plane by axis x and z) of electromagnetic wave; in medium A, the transmission direction of electromagnetic wave V is parallel to axis z. Once the electromagnetic waves passes from medium A (left) into medium B (right), the direction of magnetic field B in medium B is different from it in medium A, so that the magnetic field B in medium B alters the transmission direction of electromagnetic wave V, making the magnetic field B in the medium B vertically to the magnetic intensity curve of electromagnetic wave in medium B. This is the mechanism of light refraction, which is also applicable on the light diffraction.
Figure 1. The mechanism of light refraction from medium A (left) to medium B (right) with the boundary of vertical red line between them. (See PDF Article) This paper further discusses the electromagnetic wave principle of light reflection phenomenon: as proposed in my another article [3], the overall structure of an atom yields the effects of neutral shielding on the elementary particles inside the atoms. This neutral shielding effect is completely understandable: if the neutral shielding effect does not exist, when two atoms collide, the electrons of one atom are attracted by the nucleus of the other atom because of the Coulomb force, thus merging and neutralization. This is obviously not the facts, so the existence of this neutral shielding effect can be proven inversely according to the fact. The shielding effect of both molecular structure [2] and the electronic orbitals [4] have also been discussed in my other papers. Therefore, this paper further deduces that the neutral shielding effect of the whole atomic structure is the electromagnetic wave principle of the light reflection phenomenon. The stronger the reflection effect of light on the surface of the object, the higher the neutral shielding capacity of the object atoms. In my quantum chemistry paper [4], it is to point out that the shielding effect of electronic orbits relative to adjacent orbitals is generated during spinning motion. Consequently, this paper further deduces that for the atoms of the same element in different molecular structures, because the electron orbitals forming chemistry bonds, molecular bond angle, bond energy and bond length vary among different molecular structures, even for the atoms of the same elements, the neutral shielding effect will be different in different molecular structures.
Figure 2. This figure illustrates the relations among incident light, reflected light, refracted light. (See PDF Article)
As shown in Fig 2, the incident light is divided into reflected light and refracted light after the incident light penetrates the surface of medium substance. If the neutral shielding effects generated by the atoms of medium substance is stronger, then the intensity of reflected light is stronger and the refracted light intensity is weaker correspondingly.
Please note: This is the revised materials in book “Proceedings for Degree of Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Science (3rd Edition).” published in 2016. Revised on 31/12/2020. This journal article is previously published as: Liu Huan. (2021). Molecular Attributes of 'Revolution' Motion in Materials. Journal of Environment and Health Science (ISSN 2314-1628), which is converted into Journal of Quantum Physics and Materials Chemistry (ISSN2958-4027) . Both Journals belong to the same publisher, Liu Huan. The previous journal article is closed to the public, but the previous reference is still valid. Latest revised on 19/05/2023; 20/05/2023;25/05/2023; 05/06/2023; 25/02/2024; 26/02/2024.
References: [1]. 搜狗百科,共享百科全书/Sogou Baike, Creative Commons. [4]. Liu Huan (2023). Original review of quantum chemistry and 3D modeling of artificial intelligence. Journal of Quantum Physics and Materials Chemistry (ISSN2958-4027). 2023 (11). |