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International cooperation for research projects/科技项目国际合作









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2021-12-1 16:11:06 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本公司可以作为依托单位为其它有需要的科研投资者申请当地的科研项目(赣州市指导性科技计划 --- 经费自筹型课题),项目立项费用、成本开支:
1. 科技查新(国际)费用;2. 专利申请费;3. 开放型实验室成本;4. 其它立项、资料收集费用;5. 同行评审费用(非必须)。


如果使用本公司知识产权,本公司必须保留所有著作权,禁止转载、复制到其它非本公司主办的期刊或网站中(详见The Publishing House网页),但是投资人可以拥有专利(不能向公众公开)。赣州市指导性科技计划为省级课题(以项目申请书说明为准),虽然需要经费自筹,但是可以根据自己的科研学习兴趣相对自由选题,无竞争性,本公司可以作为依托单位。对于其它竞争性的科研经费申请,本公司无任何合作意向。本公司根据本省申请新型研发机构的管理办法,该课题所有研发经费仅仅接受公司账户流水和审计,不支持个人账户。本公司保证投资人所有研发资金全部用于科研项目本身,本公司不从投资者科研经费中赚取现金利润。我们公司主要从科技政策和著作权的独家传播权中获取经济收益,所以研究课题投资者需要具备条件:1、需要有至少B/B+的撰写学术论文能力(需要撰写中文研究报告以及万字以上英文论著)和科研工作经验;2.、有充足的时间承担研究课题99%以上的工作内容(本公司仅仅协助在本地科技局申请课题、结题和监督中间进展);3、研究经费落实,存放在本公司账户作为保证金,确保专款专用(本公司可以开具工程技术研发、自然科学研发服务税务发票)。所有研发经费支出必须符合省科技厅规定的审计标准。

对比科研成果形式:撰写学术论文+发明专利 VS 仅发明专利的区别:
1. 可以对比分析本公司发明专利与其他竞争性技术,客观得出本公司发明专利的优缺点,但是不允许贬低竞争对手;学术论文不同于商业广告,广告法规定商业广告不可以对比竞争者技术衬托本公司发明专利优点;
2. 阐明发明专利的科学原理,使得独创技术更加富有说服力;如果是使用独创型科学原理,应当通过学术论文推广力争建立行业新标准。
3. 充分利用有限的科技资源,创造更多知识产权。著作权一样可以在资产评估之后,用于股权增资、银行贷款之用途。
4. 根据无形资产评估和省科技厅科技企业信贷资金扶持政策,软件著作权比起其它形式著作权可以享有更多价值,因此所有学术论文必须全文上网+网站管理平台计算机编辑代码,申请软件著作权,才能获取更多政策扶持。本公司可以配合著作权人申请软著(这种情况,著作权人要求独立制作一个小程序链接学术文档,本公司可以上传至网站页面)。




Our company is open to other R&D investors applying for the formally research projects in local city here: <Ganzhou city guiding science and technology plan> --- self-funded projects defined by City Science and Technology Bureau. The total estimated cost and fees:
1.Cost of scientific and technological novelty report (International);
2.Patents or software registration application fees;
3.Experiment fees in open laboratory in China;
4. Other project fees;
5. Peer review fees (optional)

<Ganzhou city guiding science and technology plan> is the provincial project formally defined by the local bureau, and after final examination the research outcomings can be registered in the Provincial Science & Technology Bureau for promotion, supported by the credit loan policy defined by Provincial Science & Technology Bureau.

If it is to use the intellectual property of our company, we must reserve all the copyrights, and coping and transferring to the other publishers' serials or to the other websites is forbidden (the details shown in 'The Publishing House' web-page). However, investor can own the patents (without open access to the public). This research project is at the provincial level, officially defined by research proposal. Although it is self-funded, it is non-competitive and relatively free to choose research topic according to your research interest. Our company is entitle to apply for this research project, but is NOT interested in any other competition in research fund application. According to the local policy of applying for the recognition of novel Research & Development institution, all the R & D funds of this project only accepts the institutional bank account flow and audit, and does not accept individual accounts. Our company guarantees that all the R & D funds of investors are used for scientific research projects, and our company will not earn any cash profits from investors' R & D funds.Our company mainly obtains the economic benefits from the exclusive distribution right of copyrights and the relevant technology policy defined by local government. Therefore, the basic requirements of investors should contain: 1. To have at least B/B+ academic writing capacity (we need to write Chinese research reports and English academic articles of more than 10000 words) and sufficient scientific research experience ; 2. To allocate enough time in undertaking more than 99% of the job content of the research project (our company only assists in applying for the project in the local Science and Technology Bureau, concluding the project and supervising the progress); 3. The research funds shall be arranged before application and deposited in our company's account, and our company ensures that all the R & D funds are used for this projects only (our company can issue tax invoice for R & D in Engineering or Natural Science). All the R & D expenditure must meet the audit standards defined by the Provincial Department of Science and Technology.

Comparing the scientific research outcomings: Academic papers + Invention patents V.S. invention patents only:
In addition to the technical documents of invention patent (confidential), the advantages of writing academic papers based on un-confidential technical documents:
1. To compare and analyze the invention patents of our company with other competitors' technologies, and objectively obtain the advantages and disadvantages of the invention patents of the company, but it is not allowed to depreciate your competitors; Academic papers are different from commercial advertisements. Commercial advertisements can not compare other competitors' technologies with the advantages of our company's invention patents, restricted by advertisement act;

2. To clarify the scientific principle/theory of the invention patent to make the invention technology more convinciable; If the scientific principle/theory utilized is unique and novel, academic article promotion is essential to establish the new standards in this industry;

3. To fully utilize the limited scientific and technological resources to create more intellectual properties. Copyright can also be used for the increase of equity shares and for bank loan after asset evaluation.

4. According to the intangible assets evaluation and the credit loan policy for science and technology enterprises supported by the Provincial Department of science and technology, software copyright can enjoy more value than other forms of copyright. Therefore, all the academic papers must be accessible online in full text + original computing code in the website management platform, applying for software copyright register in order to obtain more policy support. Our company can assist the copyright owner for software copyrights register (in this case, copyrights owner need to design a small programe by yourself linked to the academic paper, which can be uploaded to our company webpage).

For international cooperation, according to the policies of the Provincial Science and Technology Bureau, the company gives priority to cooperating in the design of 3D Media videos in popular science by using the company's intellectual property.

Relevant provincial science and technology policies link to the website Provincial Bureau of Science and Technology

Welcome to contact sincerely. If the above clauses are not acceptable to you, please do NOT touch us!


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