标题: 公司新闻/Company News:更新于/Updated on 2022-12-08 [打印本页]

作者: hliu092    时间: 2022-12-8 09:17
标题: 公司新闻/Company News:更新于/Updated on 2022-12-08
江西省诚筑环保工程有限公司已经加入美国国际出版商联合协会(Publishers International Linking Association, Inc.),成为Crossref注册会员。本公司主办学术期刊、学术专著皆注册了专属DOI域名(DOI prefix 10.58473),不仅可以在官方数据库检索,还允许参与引用量学术统计。从此本公司主办的国际学术期刊(香港)更加符合国际标准。

Jiangxi Chengzhu Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd. has joined in the Publishers International Linking Association, Inc. in USA and become a registered membership of Crossref. Each of the journal articles or book sponsored by our company is registered with unique DOI prefix (DOI prefix 10.58473), which can be retrieved in official database and allowed to participate in the academic statistics in citations. Since then, the international academic journals (Hong Kong) sponsored by our company have been more in line with international standards.

修改于2023年5月31日;Revised on 31/05/2023.

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